Tribal Higher Education Schemes, Educational Development for Tribals, Tribal Education Programs, Government Schemes for Tribal Education, Tribal Development Initiatives, Impact of Education on Tribal Communities, Tribal Education in India, Schemes for Tribal Student Welfare, Tribal Education Benefits, Enhancing Tribal Education, Tribal Literacy Programs, Tribal Education Policies, Educational Support for Tribal Children, Tribal Community Educational Growth, Tribal Education Infrastructure Etc.

Education is basic factor of tribal development in India. As the poorest sections of Indian society, tribals are largely not capable of paying for education. Without educational development, they will not achieve goal of overall development. Govt. of India and State Govt. jointly taken initiative for development of tribal people through education. Tribal education promotional schemes such as ashram schools, govt. hostels and scholarships etc. are supported tribal people for their education. Its provide assistance to tribal people for education like, free education, training and coaching facilities, accommodation, books, notebooks and other stationary, uniform and scholarship etc. which are the helpful for completion of education. Education has potential to change present conditions of tribal people. It can bring them into the main stream of society. It will enrich their abilities to improve the level of their income, employment, consumption, health & nutrition, living standard, life style.

Education is basic factor of tribal development in India. As the poorest sections of Indian society, tribals are largely not capable of paying for education. Without educational development, they will not achieve goal of overall development. Therefore Govt. of India and State Govt. jointly taken initiative for development of tribal people through education. For present study researcher, has given focuses on Ashram School, Govt. Hostels for STs Students, Post Matric Scholarship these major flagship schemes also given attention toward the other schemes such as Cash Intensive Given to STs girls student for reducing Drop Out Ratio, Eklavya Model English Residential School, T.A. and Scholarship for Handicap Students and Computer Training for Students and Govt. Ashram School Teachers. These schemes are enhancing access to education among the tribal people through provision of educational infrastructure and promoting learning by providing monetary incentives. Education has potential to change present conditions of tribal people. It can bring them into the main stream of society. It will enrich their abilities to improve the level of their income, employment, consumption, health & nutrition, living standard, life style. In this way education promotional schemes are playing vital role in tribal development in compared to any other schemes. Therefore, education promotional schemes have been chosen for present research work.      

  1. General Findings:
  2. It is found that, total 2031 people are belonging in selected 390 sample household from all age groups. Out of them 1004 are males and 1027 are females.
  3. It is revealed that, 579 males and 427 females and in total 1006 male and females are literate. 425 males, 600 females and in total 1025 males and females are illiterate.
  4. It is found that, majority of sample household i.e. 32.31% are belongs to Varali Tribe, 20.26% and 13.59% sample household are belonging to the Koli Malhar and Thakar/Thakur Tribes respectively. Very few i.e. 0.77% sample household are belonging to the tribe like Dubala, Talavia and Halpati. 1.03% are belonging to the Koli Dhor, Tokre Koli, Kolcha and Kolgha tribes. 3.85% sample household are belonging to the other minor tribes. 10.77% sample household are belonging to the Katkari or Kathodi tribes; and 9.75% sample household are belonging to the Mahadev Koli or Dhangar Koli tribes. 7.69% are belonging to the Kokana, Kokani, Korku tribal groups.
  • Education Schemes/ Programs Related Findings:
  • Among the 390 respondents 52.56% of them have been benefited by various Tribal Education Promotional schemes meant for them. However, 47.44% did not receive any benefit.
  • Majority of the non-beneficiaries’ respondents (34.05%) have stated that, they have not proper information about the Tribal Educational Promotional Schemes that is why, they could not get any benefits of the schemes. Incomplete documents which is required for the scheme, or unable to collect required documents made to stay away from the various benefits or advantages of the scheme, stated 26.49% respondents. According to 24.86% respondents, education is not necessary for them. Dispassionate of implementation officer is the main reason for the not taking benefits of Tribal Educational Promotional Schemes; stated by 10.27% respondents, and due to delay in getting benefits of the various Tribal Educational Promotional Schemes, 4.32% respondents have not taken advantages of the schemes.
  • 30.34% respondents have stated that they are belonging to first generation, who have taking the benefits of Tribal Educational Promotional Schemes. 47.37% respondents have stated this is their second generation, and 22.29% respondents have stated that, this is their third generation who have taking advantages of various Tribal Educational Promotional Schemes.
  • As per the sample, majority of the respondents (42.93%) have got the information from the Concerned Govt. office / officials; 25.85% respondents have got the information from the Community Workers/NGO, Local Leaders; 21.46% respondents have got the information from their   Relatives, Neighbours’ & Friends; 6.34% have stated that, media is the main source for them to obtain information. Only 3.41% respondents stated that they self-collected the information about various Tribal Educational Promotional Schemes.
  • While availing the benefits of Tribal Educational Promotional Schemes, there is an excessive paper work have to be face, stated 39.02% respondents. 13.17% respondents have stated that there is dispassionate of implementation officer, 12.68% respondents have stated that, there is delay in getting benefits of Tribal Educational Promotional Schemes. In the opinion of 9.27% respondents, Tribal Educational Promotional Schemes are constituted by limited provision; 10.24 respondents have faced the problem like, unaffordable frequent visit for the follow up to the officers; and 15.61% respondents have stated that, they have not faced any difficulty while availing the benefits of Tribal Educational Promotional Schemes.
  • It is observed that, out of 390 respondents; there are majority of respondents (71.28%) have awareness and information about Ashram Schools and Junior Colleges for Tribal People. 50.26% respondents have stated that, they have information about Government Hostels for Tribal Students. 68.67% respondents are known about Post Matric Scholarship Schemes. 45.38% respondents are stated that, they have awareness about the intensive given to scheduled tribe girls’ students to reduce dropout rate. 18.46% and 16.67% respondent having knowledge of T.A. and Scholarship for Handicap Students enrolled in 8th to 12th Standard and Ekalavya Model English Medium Residential School respectively. 23.08% respondents have stated that, they have information regarding Computer Training for the Students & Teachers Govt. Ashram Schools this scheme.
  • It is found that, out of 205 benefited respondents; there are 71.22% beneficiaries are attended Ashram Schools and Junior Colleges. 36.10% respondents are taken benefits of Government Hostels. 20.49% beneficiaries are getting cash incentives which are the specially given for the tribal girls’ students to reduce the dropout rate. 47.80% beneficiaries are getting post matric scholarship. 18.05% beneficiaries are related to the computer training; and only 4.39% beneficiaries are related to the Ekalavya Model English Medium Residential School. According to the sample 1.95% beneficiaries are received T.A. and Scholarship for Handicap Students.
  • There are 246 males and 127 female beneficiaries related to the Ashram Schools and Junior Colleges. 113 male and 43 female beneficiaries are accommodated in the government hostel which are the especially for the tribal students. 89 females are taken cash incentives which are the specially given for the tribal girl’s students to reduce the dropout rate. 7 male and 2 female beneficiaries are enrolled in Ekalavya Model English Medium Residential School. 122 males and only 54 female beneficiaries are getting post matric scholarship. T.A. and Scholarship for Handicap Students are getting by 3 males and 1 female beneficiaries. 44 male beneficiaries and 33 female beneficiaries from Ashram School are taking computer training.
  • Majority of the respondents (94.63%) are getting free education, training and coaching facilities provide by government. 74.63% respondents are accommodated in government provided hostels and they are received accommodation/ boarding and bedding facilities. 83.90% respondents are getting books, notebooks and other stationary. 67.32% and 62.92% respondents are getting uniform or cloths and scholarship, cash intensive or other allowances respectively. 85.85% respondents are getting free food and nutrition and 23.90% respondents are getting bicycle or travelling allowance.
  • Findings Related to Impact of Educational Schemes/Programs:
  • As per the primary data collected through the questionnaire, 81.95% respondents are stated that, due to education promotional schemes, they have acquired better housing conditions.
  • 79.02% respondents are stated that they are now able to save money, and the level of expenditure is now increased, stated by71.22% respondents.
  • 59.02% and 55.61% respondents are stated that, due to education promotional schemes, job opportunities are increased for them and they got secured and good salaried job respectively. Now they are getting sufficient income for the fulfilment their basic needs stated by 67.32% respondents.
  • 53.17% and 57.07% respondents are stated that, due to education promotional schemes, they have improved the level of assets and achieved educational development respectively.
  • According to 67.80% respondents, there is enhancement in their health status.
  • 58.05% respondents are stated that, their life style has been changed due to education promotional schemes.
  • 60.00% respondents are stated that, there is rise in social status and their awareness and participation in social activities has been increased, 44.39% respondents, have improved their communication capacity and 52.20% have enhanced inclination to follow developed people.
  • 46.83% respondents are stated that, their confidence is increased and now they are to mix non-tribal people and compete with them.
  • 57.71% respondents have stated that, the educated person in their families are now dominating in taking important family decisions.
  • Most important thing is that; superstitions inclinations have been reduced stated by 54.15% respondents.
  • 73.17% respondents are stated that, they are now able to take advantages of other developmental schemes which is specially implementing by government and other agencies for tribal people.  

According to the field survey it is clearly indicate that the awareness about education among the tribal people are increased due to education promotional schemes. As per the data it is shows that beneficiaries group are given more attention towards education as compare to non-beneficiaries group and they consider education is necessary for overall development. While the study it is shows that, tribal education promotional schemes such as ashram schools, govt. hostels and scholarships etc. are supported tribal people for their education. Its provide assistance to tribal people for education like, free education, training and coaching facilities, accommodation, books, notebooks and other stationary, uniform and scholarship etc. which are the helpful for completion of education.

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