Innovative Teaching Strategies Using Examples and a Guide (Best in 2023)

innovative teaching stratergies
Lessons that are interactive

1.  Students are your creative learners! Create an atmosphere where students feel encouraged to speak up and express their ideas because one-way lessons are very traditional and can sometimes be exhausting for both you and your students.


2. Using virtual reality technology: –

You can enter a whole new world right inside your classroom. Your students can immerse themselves in various spaces and interact with “real” objects rather than seeing things on flat screens by playing VR games or sitting in a 3D cinema.

3. Using AI in the Classroom

 AI helps us with a lot of our work, so who says we can’t use it in school? It’s surprising how common this method is now.

Using AI does not mean that it takes your place and does everything. Dislike the science fiction motion pictures where PCs and robots move around and show our understudies (or program them).

4. Blended learning

Blended learning is a method that combines high-tech online instruction with traditional classroom instruction. It gives you and your students more freedom to customize learning experiences and create effective studying environments.

5. 3D printing

Printing with a 3D printer enhances student learning and makes lessons more enjoyable. The level of student engagement achieved by this approach surpasses that achieved by textbooks.

3D printing gives your understudies true comprehension and touches off their minds. When students can examine the structures of famous buildings or hold organ models in their hands to learn about the human body, studying becomes much simpler.

6. Utilize the plan thinking process

This one is an answer-based methodology to tackle issues, team up and start understudies’ imagination. There are five stages, but unlike other approaches, you don’t have to go through them in any particular order. Because it is not a linear process, you can tailor it to your lectures and activities.

There are five stages:
  1. Empathy: Learn about the problems that need to be fixed and cultivate empathy.
  2. Define – Define the issues and their potential solutions.
  3. Ideate: Think of fresh, original concepts.
  4. Prototype: To further investigate the concepts, draft or sample the solutions.
  5. Test: Evaluate the solutions, test them, and get feedback.
7. At the conclusion of each unit,

all students complete projects. Project-based learning also involves projects, but it gives students more time to solve real-world problems and come up with new solutions.

PBL makes classes more tomfoolery and drawing in while understudies acquire new satisfaction and foster abilities like exploring, working freely and with others, decisive reasoning, and so forth.

8. Learning that is inquiry

based Learning that is inquiry-based is also a type of active learning. You begin the lesson by posing questions, problems, or scenarios, not by lecturing. It also incorporates problem-based learning and is largely self-directed; You are more likely to be a facilitator rather than a lecturer in this scenario.

9. Jigsaw We’re willing to wager that each of us has played the jigsaw puzzle at least once in our lifetime. If you try the jigsaw method, similar outcomes occur in class.

How to do it:
  • Break your students up into smaller groups.
  • Provide a subtopic or subcategory of the main topic for each group.
  • Tell them to investigate the ones provided and develop their ideas.
  • In order to create a broader picture, each group presents their findings, which include all relevant information about the subject.
  • (Discretionary) Host a criticism meeting for your understudies to assess and remark on other gatherings’ work.

10. Although the term “cloud computing teaching” may sound odd, the approach itself is common knowledge among educators. It’s a way to connect teachers and students from thousands of miles away and give them access to classes and materials.

It has a lot of potential for educators and all institutions. This method is cost-effective, simple to use, secures your data, lets students learn from a distance and more.

11. Classroom flipped To make learning more exciting and efficient, flipped the process a little. Students must watch videos, read materials, or conduct research prior to class in order to acquire some fundamental understanding and knowledge. The so-called “homework” that is typically completed after class is done during class time, as are group discussions, debates, and other activities led by students.

12. The peer teaching approach is comparable to the jigsaw technique. When teachers are able to clearly explain information, students are better able to comprehend and master it. They might memorize what they need to say before they present and say what they remember, but in order to instruct others, they need to fully comprehend the issue.

By selecting their area of interest within the subject, students can take the initiative in this activity. Students gain a sense of ownership and responsibility for their learning when they are provided with this level of autonomy.

13. Peer Input

Creative showing approaches are significantly more than instructing or advancing inside the class. They can be used in a lot of other places, like after-lesson peer feedback time.

Students must acquire the essential skills of providing and receiving constructive feedback with an open mind and appropriate manners. Make it a habit to teach your class how to give their classmates comments that are more meaningful, such as how to use a feedback rubric.

14. Cross-curricular instruction Do you recall how excited you were when your class went on a field trip, exhibition, or museum visit? Going outside and doing something different from staring at the board in a classroom is always a blast.

Hybrid showing joins the experience of learning in both the homeroom and a spot outside. Together, go over concepts in class and plan a trip to a specific location where you can demonstrate how that concept applies in practice.

15. Personalized instruction A strategy may be effective for some students but not for others. For instance, group activities are great for extroverted students, but they can be a nightmare for extremely introverted students.

Every student’s learning process is individualized using this approach. However, giving students more time to plan and prepare enables them to learn in a way that is tailored to their interests, requirements, strengths, and weaknesses, resulting in improved outcomes.

Advantages of Imaginative Instructing Techniques

  1. Encourage research: Innovative methods of teaching encourage students to investigate and discover new things as well as tools for expanding their horizons.
  2. Improve your ability to think critically and solve problems. Innovative teaching methods encourage students to think of creative solutions to problems rather than just finding answers in textbooks and allow them to learn at their own pace.
  3. Try not to get a ton of information immediately – Instructors utilizing new methodologies actually give understudies data, however, they will generally part it into more modest parts. Information can now be more easily digested, and students learn more quickly when the material is kept brief.
  4. Adopt more soft skills: When they finish their work in class, students are required to use more complex tools, which helps them learn new things and sparks their creativity. In addition, students learn how to better manage their time, prioritize tasks, communicate, and collaborate with others through individual or group projects.
  5. Check the understanding of the students. Grades and tests can say a lot about a student’s ability to learn and their knowledge, but not everything (especially if tests give sneak peeks!). Innovative teaching strategies enable educators to monitor classes and gain a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by their students in order to provide the most effective solutions.
  6. Enhance self-evaluation: With excellent teaching strategies, students can comprehend what they have learned and what they lack. By finding what they actually need to be aware, they can comprehend the reason why to learn specific things and become more anxious to make it happen.
  7. Enliven classrooms: Don’t let your voice fill the room or awkward silence in your classroom. Imaginative showing strategies give understudies something else to become amped up for, empowering them to shout out and cooperate more.

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