scopus journals

Process of Publication

  1. Set up your composition

Whenever you have picked a diary, cautiously set up your original copy as per the diary’s rules. Make certain to edit your composition cautiously prior to submitting it.

  • Present your composition.

Most diaries currently acknowledge composition entries on the web. Make certain to painstakingly adhere to the directions on the diary’s site.

  • Peer Review

When your original copy has been submitted, it will be conveyed for peer audit. This cycle includes unknown specialists assessing your composition and giving criticism to the proofreader.

  • Revisions

In the event that your composition is acknowledged for distribution, you might have to make amendments in light of the criticism from the friend commentators.

  • Publication

 When your original copy has been acknowledged and changed, it will be distributed in the diary.

Here are 20 free Scopus journals that you can check out:

  1. International Journal on Emerging Technologies
  2. International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering, and Management Sciences
  3. Journal of Engineering Education Transformations
  4. Journal of Information and Communication Technology
  5. International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems
  6. International Journal of Management Science and Engineering management
  7. International Review of Research In Open and Distance Learning
  8. International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
  9. Big Data Research
  10. BioSocieties
  11. Cognitive Systems Research
  12. Expert Systems with Applications
  13. Journal of Computational Science
  14. Computers and Graphics
  15. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
  16. International Journal of Engineering and Technology Innovation
  17. International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management sciences
  18. Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology
  19. Walailak Journal of Science and Technology
  20. Asian Journal of Social Science
5 Responses
  1. neeraj mishra

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