ICT integration in education/ New trends in educational technology / Innovative teaching methods using ICT / Benefits of ICT in classrooms / Digital tools in education / Future of ICT in teaching / Technology-enhanced learning environments / ICT-driven pedagogical strategies / E-learning trends and ICT / Impact of ICT on student engagement

God has created us in a such a way that everybody think differently but he made us understand  each other by making proper communication .In a life it is very important to know each other whoever it may be your brother, sister father mother friends or a teacher it is possible only by proper communicating. If you don’t communicate properly with each other  or they misunderstand your wordings then you will be get  into them with a quarrel or they will get quarrel with you .In a life communication is a very important through which we can built perfect relationship  with the other” communication is the exchange of information and mutual understanding between two persons.”Success of our effort lies in our proper knowledge to tell what we need to tell in right place, and in right manners and in a right way.

            The development and implementation of information and communication technology (ICT)forces today’s universities and colleges to respond to societal trends that point to transformation our society into a so called knowledge economy globalization ICT application place new demand on teaching learning process.

To find the information about a subject because internet is big source of information To access the information easily which is difficult to find by others sources example  the information which is not available in a book store online distance education courses can give you an opportunity to gain a qualification over the internet.

  • World Wide Web 
  • E-Mail   
  • E-learning
  • E-publishing

Use the teaching tools:

        All students these days know how to use a computer and the internet, and most of them are using social media network to share their thought and to support each others. Students perform better when they have the opportunity to tell their teachers what things in the class room needs improvement.

         According to K-12 education system now give the students the opportunity to give pointer to their teachers on how they can better delivery their lessons so that the students can understand .It was also found that giving the students the chance in contributing and even revising the class room rules actually make the students abide to them, it gives them the feeling that they actually have a say on what goes in the class room.

          So ICT is the technology required for information processing and spreading. ICTs are technologies such as radio and the newer digital technologies like computers, satellites, mobile phones and the internet. ICTs are electronic collection, editing, storage, distribution and presentation of information. ICT is the means in which people interact with their colleagues around the world, exchange their ideas, information, messages and co-ordinate each other through variety of technological means. 3. Components of ICT: ICT includes communication devices and applications like computer, hardware networks, software, mobile technology, satellite communication, video conferencing, RFID Technology, WI-FI zone, pen drives, Internet, www, Web2.0 and Social media etc. Satellite communication: The age of satellite communication dawned in 1962 with the launching of Early Bird, the first communication satellite. The two big international satellite systems Intelsat and Intersputnik began operating in 1965 and 1971.India launched a satellite for communication allied INSAT and for Education purpose EDUSAT was launched in the year2004.INSAT -4CR was launched on 2 September 2007 by GSLV_F04. IT is a replacement satellite for INSAT -4C which was lost and destroyed.

Video conferencing: It is a two way communication system .Ii is also called teleconferencing, is the use of television video and sound technology as well as computers to enable people in different locations to see, hear and talk with one another. It can still consist of people meeting in separate conference rooms or booths with specially equipped television. World Wide Web: The World Wide Web, known as www, w3 or simply the web, is one of the several internet resources developed to help, publish, organize and provide access to information on the Internet. The web was first developed by Tim Berners Lee I 1989 while working at CERN, European Particle Physics Laboratory in Switzerland.

Components of ICT: ICT includes communication devices and applications like computer, hardware networks, software, mobile technology, satellite communication, video conferencing, RFID Technology, WI-FI zone, pen drives, Internet, www, Web2.0 and Social media etc

Recent trends

The computer and the internet’s evolution these past few years have been staggeringly fast. A computer that used to fill an entire building in 1965 has about the same .computing power as a modern –day, cell phone e –learning most of the popular forms of media like TV, radio and print are slowly being to stop.

Anything it’s to play nicely together sure there are times for blocking down and working alone ,but in most cases the collaborative process boosts everyone game. In progressives schools across the country students and teachers are learning from each other in all sorts of ways .Collaborating is also finding its way into curriculum with open sources sites to which everyone is encouraged to contribute, sharing information and connecting with others is a powerful tool in education. Students are collaborating with each other’s through social media to learn more about specific subjects. They are finding each other on their own kid specific social networking sites, or belong to schools sites and of course on face book and twitter.

Role of ICT in Education: Information Technology can provide a medium for teaching and learning and contribute flexibility to course provision.

The valid uses of information Communication Technologies are:

  • Distance learning via electronic networks.
  • Open learning through students controlled learning pathways.
  • The process of changing teaching and learning styles by using a narrow range of Information Technology based facilities.

 Presently there are four areas of education namely: Teaching, Learning, Curriculum and Educational programme. ICT has been added essentially in the 21st century as the fifth potent area of education (Sampath, 2011). According to the revised Draft on National Policy Information Communication Technology in school education (prepared by the Department of School education literacy, MHRD in 2011) ICTs are all devices, tools , contents, resources, forums, and services, digital and those that can be converted into or delivered through digital forms, which can be deployed for realizing the goals of teaching learning , enhancing access to and reach of resources, building capacities, as well as management of educational system. This will not only include hardware devices connected to computers and software application but also interactive digital content, Internet and other satellite communication devices, teleconferencing, video conferencing, web–based content repositories, interactive forums, learning management system and management information system. ICT make education system more productive, interesting, give more powerful instruction and also able to extent the educational opportunities to masses and creating information –rich learning environment. ICT has made the class-room transaction more interesting. It has extended the teaching learning process beyond the boundaries of classroom. Students are now able to use laptop computers and wireless networks anywhere in campus. A computer allows high speed information exchanges to occur with individuals within the institution as well as around the world. ICT brings the outside world in to the classroom teaching learning process, makes the things more realistic and thus helps the learners to understand the abstract thought very clearly.

Web–based learning challenges and opportunities:

 As more courses in higher education move to an online format, a major concern is a potential loss of personal interaction between the professor and students. There is a evidence that growing numbers of courses delivered in an online format tend to be configured and delivered.

        Students in online course develop a high degree of reported developing personal relationship outside that of the course was evidence by the students ‘ desire to participate in a social gathering after the course ended. Although all courses should be to at least consider the degree of interactivity that is appropriate for the content of the course.

Start new trends in teaching-learning process: –

  • Basic Learning Needs:-(Policies and programmes)
  • Education and human Developments
  • Distance Education
  • Challenges of learning
  • Impact of Learning Devices
  • Web-Based Learning Challenges and Opportunities:

 Teaching Learning Process: –

Teaching learning has four aspects: teacher, student learning process, and learning situation. The teacher creates the learning situation for the students. The process is the interaction between the student and the teachers. If the teaching-learning process is effective, then the child can make the best use of the things in the world around him.

Important aspects of teaching-learning process:

  • Command, planning and organization of the subject matter or content and activities:
  • Psychology of learners: –
  • Traditional Teaching –learning process and the modern teaching-learning process.

Teaching- learning process is not now limited within the boundaries of classroom. The modern technologies including new web 2.0 has changed the total scenario of teaching learning process. ICTs are making major‟s difference in the teaching approaches and the ways students are learning. ICT–enhanced learning environment facilitates active collaborative, creative, integrative and evaluative learning as an advantage over the traditional method. Several surveys are showing that ICT use in education system of developed nations is comparatively advanced than ICT used in education system of developing countries. ICT use in education system of developing countries is also facing some challenges. ICT introducing innovative pedagogies in to the classroom, creating network among educational institution, improving overall standard of education by reducing the gap between the quality of education in urban area and rural area, initiation of smart school with objectives to foster self-paced, self-assessed and self-directed through the application of ICTs, and developing ICT policy for education and training. Most of students and teachers using internet as a tool. To get any information about any subject matter  internet is a big sources and it can be asses very easily .They are many new trends developing teaching learning process which are use now days .

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