In the 21st century, Indian women is facing the major health issue in terms of economically, demographically and epidemiologically. In health sector over the past decades, India has enormous strides. Education is a crucial for the development of a country. An educated woman plays a very important role in a civilized family and influences the thoughts and beliefs of its member. A society can well be judged if most of the women are educated.
She play a responsible role in the houses and societies i.e. mother, wife, sister, caretaker, nurse etc. The education is essential for their growth and stability in the country. The most important needs of a woman are health. Though women are aware of their health they are end to bear the pain because of their individuals problems. They are participating in every developmental procedure of the society so their health should be taken care. The main purpose of this study is to find out health and educational status of adult between the aged.
Education of her will help in rising up the health care of her. The data were collected with the help of interview schedule developed by the researcher. In order to study in-depth adult were randomly selected, and the descriptive method has been adopted.
In the 21st century, India is facing the major health issue in terms of economically, demographically and epidemiologically. In health sector over the past decades, India has enormous strides. Women education is a crucial for the development of a country. An educated woman plays a very important role in a civilized family and influences the thoughts and beliefs of its member. A society can well be judged if most of the women are educated.
Thus, an educated can bring some positive changes in her own house as well as in the society. There are numerous other advantages of educating her apart from good health and hygiene, raised economy of the country etc.

In today’s fast growing world the health should be maintain carefully. The most important needs of a her health. In Manipur, though are aware of their health they are tend to bear the pain because of their individuals problems. In early period health as we know now it did not exist. We hadn’t even thought of many of the important questions about health that are now being asked. The role of education in the realization of the harmonious balance all aspects of life that cannot be overemphasized and the education of particular importance.
Education helps to improve the health care of her and prevent them from women related diseases. Education empowers minds that will enable to adopt goods ideas and thoughts. As of women well-being the education will boost up to live with happiness and prosperity. Education makes her more confident and ambitious; they become more aware of their rights and can raise their voice against exploitation and violence.
Importance of women’s health education:
The most important aspect of life is health and next is education. According to World Health Organization Women’s health are a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease of infirmity. Women ‘s health issues also include medical situations in which women face problems are not directly related to their biology, such as gender- differentiated access to medical treatment and other socio-economic factors.
The main agents of primary health care, play an essential role in maintaining family and community health. Why is education so important? It is important because it is a part of our life. Life gives various survival challenges for humans. But education guide human to fight with the failure and get success in life. Nelson Mandela stated that “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”. Education helps to become honest citizens and parents. Education makes a woman self-reliant; that is, she does not depend on anyone for her own survival as well as the survival of her children.
An educated mother will earn as good as the father of the family and will look after the financial needs of her family in a much better way. Being in contact with an educated person and having conversation will expand knowledge and introduces a creativity and joy in the mind. Education of women is really necessary because when they became mother she is the first teacher which the toddler starts learning news words and vocabulary. It helps to improve prenatal and postnatal care, reducing the risk of infant mortality and complication from pregnancy which in term leads to healthier more stable families.
It also improves child health because of education mother’s greater knowledge of the importance of hygiene and of simple remedies. Now, Government recognized the importance of providing educational health care for women. For example, India boosted the number of women delivered their babies to a health care facility from 39% in 2005 to nearly 75 %; this is because they are educated and aware of their health care.
Economic development and prosperity:
Education will empower to come forward and contribute towards the development and prosperity of the country.
Economic empowerment: So long as women remain backward and economically dependent on men, the helpless condition of them cannot be changed. Economic empowerment and independence will only come through proper education and employment.
Education helps a woman to live
Improved life: Education helps to live a good life. Her identity as an individual would never get lost. She can read and learn about her rights. Her rights would not get trodden down. The life or condition of women would improve a lot, if we take a broad outlook in the field of female education.
Improved health: Educated girls and are aware of the importance of health and hygiene. Through health education, they are empowered to lead a healthy life-style. Educated mothers can take better care of both herself and her baby.
Dignity and honor: Educated women are now looked upon with dignity and honor. They become a source of inspiration for millions of young girls who make them their role-models.
Justice: Educated women are more informed of their rights for justice. It would eventually lead to decline in instances of violence and injustice against women such as dowry, forced-prostitution, child-marriage, female foeticide etc.
Choice to choose a profession of her choice: Educated women can prove be highly successful in the fields of life. A girl-child should get equal opportunity for education, so that, she can plan to become a successful doctors, engineers, nurses, air hostesses, cook, or choose a profession of her choice.
Alleviate poverty: Education is a pre-requisite to alleviate poverty. She need to take equal burden of the massive task of eliminating poverty. This would demand massive contribution from educated. There cannot be many social and economic changes, unless girls and women are given their rights for education.
The present study used both primary and secondary data. Secondary data sources were collected from the books, journals and articles. Primary data were collected. The data were collected with the help of interview schedule developed by the researcher. In order to study in-depth the descriptive method has been adopted.
The health status of adult women in the age-group of 30yrs above from arthritis, where are deteriorating from poor hearing and vision while frequency each of women are suffering from diabetic and other health issue that frequency is each. Thus, it is found that majority of the adult women are suffering from arthritis.
From the present study, it is found most of the adult women at the age group 30years above are suffering from arthritis. It also found that majority of the adult women are educated and aware of their health status. Most of them were conscious about the importance in their life. The global challenge for women education is not just for providing access, but also ensuring progress. It is not secret that a good education has power to change a life. Women can play an important role in educating society to recognize their health and nutrition needs.